
Create presentations of text to accompany audio.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Audio Presentation

Dylan On Users

Use this to create audio presentations. It will present text along side an audio track to explain or accompany whats being heard at that time. You can see an example in use at http://quirkiaudio.com Or follow the Developing instructions below.


Download the latest minified js and optional css files in /dist or build them yourself by cloning this repo and running yarn build.

Or just...

npm install audio-presentation

Include the audio-presentation.min.js and optionally the audio-presentation.min.css files in your page.

Begin creating Audio Presentations in your html. A block element usually a div with a class of "audio-presentation" and three data attributes providing relevant file paths and urls to the source audio file, the json to be used for the timeline, and a default message to display when the audio is not playing.

      data-message="Default Message to Display when not playing">

Then initialize the script in your own JS in a document ready with...

let audioPresentation = new AudioPresentation();

Vanilla JS Document ready example.

document.onreadystatechange = () => {
  let audioPresentation = new AudioPresentation();
  if (document.readyState === "interactive") audioPresentation.start();

Creating a Timeline

Timeline JSON should be an aray of objects each conatining time and message key.

Example object:

{"time:" time_in_seconds.milliseconds, "message": string_to_display_at_time}

Example JSON:

{"time:" "0.00","message": "And so it begins.."}
{"time:" "30.00","message": "We're 30 seconds in"},
{"time:" "60.00","message": "This is the Best Part!!"},


  1. Clone this repo.
  2. npm install
  3. yarn build


  1. Clone this repo.
  2. npm install
  3. yarn start