Stack Exchange Utility Packages
Home for the StackExchange.Util.* packages.
is a helper class for making HttpClient
calls. The send, deserialization, options, and verb portions are exchangable. Some examples:
POSTing a string and expecting a string:
var result = await Http.Request("")
POSTing JSON and expecting protobuf back:
var result = await Http.Request("")
.SendJson(new { name = "my thing" })
Sending nothing and GETing JSON back:
var result = await Http.Request("")
Sending nothing and GETing JSON back, with a timeout, ignoring 404 responses:
var result = await Http.Request("")
// Handle the response:
if (result.Success)
//result.Data is MyType, deserialized from the returned JSON
// result.Error
// result.StatusCode
// result.RawRequest
// result.RawResponse
StackExchange.Utils is licensed under the MIT license.