
This is a task manager/todo list CLI tool. Create, Read, Update and Delete Tasks directly from your terminal!

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Task Manager CLI Tool

This is a task manager CLI tool built using NodeJS and CommanderJS.

Setting up the tool

To set up this tool directly from this repository, you need to follow these steps:

  • After cloning it, run npm install command to install all dependencies
  • Next, create a .env file in the root directory of the project and add a variable called MONGO_URI= in the file and assign your MongoDB connection string to it
  • The last step is to install it globally in your system using the following command: npm i -g .

Supported Commands

You can create CRUD (Create, Read, Update and Delete) Operations using this cli tool. Here are a list of commands supported by the tool:

  1. todo add - To create one or multiple new task,
  2. todo read - To read all the existing tasks,
  3. todo update - To update a specific task, and
  4. todo delete - To delete a specific task.


  • To check for the version number, run this command: todo -V or todo --version.
  • For help, run this command: todo -h or todo --help.

How to use the tool - Video Tutorials

Add Tasks


Read Tasks


Update Tasks


Delete Tasks


Note: Both update and delete operations require you to enter the Todo code of the task you want to update or delete.