
HackED Beta 2022 Project

Primary LanguagePython

Valorant Scoreboard Bot - pain


We were interested in the world of image processing and how we could employ it to improve our daily lives, so we built a Valorant discord bot that employs the technology to promote healthy competition within users in a server.

What it does

Takes a Valorant leaderboard screenshot and the users in-game user ID as input and saves the user's Kill/Death and Assist ratio. On prompt, can also show the generated leaderboard of past screenshots, including the Top 10 players' KDA and their respective user IDs.

How we built it

First, we had to develop an image processing class function using pytesseract and pillow dependencies. Then we used a discord.py dependency to input respective commands for the user on discord to implement. Finally, using mainly the pickle model, we saved the users game UID and KDA.

Challenges we ran into

Processing the image involved scanning for specific fields associated with a username and Valorant scoreboards have formatting issues to get through which added to the difficulty.

Accomplishments that we're proud of

For our first hackathon we managed to pull through and complete the main project in 6 hours.

What we learned

We learnt loads of new python libraries and the way the entire discord API is setup in the backend.

How to run

Install dependencies like tesseract, discord.py, pillow, pickle Add your own discord token in a file called token.txt (included) Bot has 4 commands: .save = Saves the provided image, processes it and then reads the stats to store them .saveusername = must be done first to give the bot the in-game username for it to find it while image processing .updateusername = updates the in-game username .showleaderboard = shows the leaderboard of highest KDA within the server with ranking included