
Problem Statement:

The problem being addressed by the "Sonic" is the need for speech services, specifically real-time speech-to-text and text-to-speech conversion. This can be beneficial for individuals who require assistance in converting spoken words into written text or vice versa. This can benefit individuals who have difficulties with typing, require quick transcription of spoken words, prefer auditory communication, or have other accessibility needs related to speech and language processing. The website aims to enhance communication and accessibility by providing these speech services in a user-friendly and convenient manner.

Project Description:

The "Sonic" website addresses the need for speech services, focusing on real-time speech-to-text and text-to-speech conversion. It aims to solve the problem faced by individuals who struggle with typing, require quick transcription services, prefer auditory communication, or have accessibility needs related to speech and language processing. By offering a user-friendly platform, users can leverage the website to convert their spoken words into written text in real-time or input text and have it transformed into spoken words.

The website's core functionality includes real-time speech-to-text conversion and text-to-speech conversion. Users can speak into a microphone or device and instantly see their words transcribed into text. Alternatively, they can input text and have it converted into spoken words. The interface is designed to be intuitive and easy to navigate, providing a seamless user experience.

The project utilizes Azure cognitive services, specifically the text-to-speech and speech-to-text services, by integrating their APIs into the website. Additionally, the deployment of the website on Microsoft Azure using static web app services ensures scalability and reliability.

"Sonic" addresses specific problems such as providing transcription services for individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing, assisting those with speech impediments in converting their speech to text, and catering to busy individuals who prefer to dictate emails and documents rather than type them.

Overall, the purpose and functionality of the "Sonic" website align closely with the problem statement and opportunity area of delivering efficient and accurate speech services. It offers a practical solution to enhance communication and accessibility, providing a convenient platform for real-time speech-to-text and text-to-speech conversion.

Azure Services:

  1. Cognitive Services: Text-to-speech and speech-to-text services
  2. Web Services: Static web apps


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