
Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

TE Information Technology - Semester 6 Resources ✨

Best resource you can have for the 6th semester !! 👌

Now that you are all in the second half of your third year, you have all already decided on your department elective. This semester was a rollercoaster for us, so we hope you find this repository to be more than adequate. We had too much to do because this was our first time executing machine learning algorithms, from the DMBI lab to the AIDS-I lab. I suggest reading through and determining the specific requirements before using our repository to submit experiments. Even though it may be perplexing at times, everything will come together wonderfully in the end.

For mobile application development, you must select an app from the Google Play Store that has more than a million users and then recreate at least five of its displays. Therefore, if any of you decide to choose Instagram as your app, you are extremely fortunate to have my complete code over here. Instagram Clone

I will be extremely happy if you star it as well after using the code ! 😄

For this repository, we have given the resources which includes Assignments and Experiments.

Following are the labs which we had:

💻 Data Science Lab
💻 Data Mining and Business Intelligence Lab
💻 Mobile Application Development and Progressive Web Apps Lab
💻 Web X.0 Lab
💻 Sensors Lab


Give a ⭐️ if this repository helped you !!

Please do share this repository with your classmates, will be really helpful if you star it as well. 😌

👤 Ninad Rao
👤 V Krishnasubramaniam
👤 Sreekesh Iyer
👤 Aamir Ansari