NameError: name 'curr_mse' is not defined
Opened this issue · 2 comments
First, thank you for your great package. I am trying to use it on my scRNAseq datasets of brain tumors and I have find something that looks like a typo?
In the 4 STEP of the tutorial: Using MELD to characterize chordin loss-of-function
there is the following line of code:
results = []
with Parallel(n_jobs=36) as p:
for knn in knn_range:
# doing this outside the parallel loop because building the graph takes the longest
benchmarker.fit_graph(adata.X, knn=knn)
curr_results = p(delayed(simulate_pdf_calculate_likelihood)(benchmarker, seed, beta)
for seed in range(25) for beta in beta_range)
curr_results = pd.DataFrame(curr_results, columns = ['MSE', 'seed', 'beta', 'knn'])
results = pd.concat(results, axis=0)
The function call for a curr_mse variable that is not defined, nor used, anywhere else, and it causes the error in the title of this issue. It is possible that it could be curr_results or I am missing something.
I am quite new in python so if I am just making no sense please let me know.
Thank you very much
Ahh good catch. It should call results.append(curr_results)
Great! thank you!