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Dinner Dash

This three week group project, creating a food ordering site, was our first Ruby on Rails application. This project focused on creating a session based cart, setting up authentication and securing authorization. My main focus on this project was the user login/logout feature, creating tests that follow the Arrange-Act-Assert pattern, and utilizing Factory Girl.

This project is for the second module at the Turing School of Software and Design.

Full project specifications are available here:

This jam was brought to you by Emily Berkeley, Michael Dao, Krista Nelson and Nathan Owsiany.

Emily Berkeley:

Michael Dao:

Krista Nelson:

Nathan Owsiany:


To get this to run locally, you need to run the following:

brew install imagemagick

Here's what you'll need to do after pulling to get it working on heroku

  • bundle install
  • git push heroku master
  • heroku pg:reset
  • heroku run rake db:schema:load db:seed
  • heroku open and look at all the glorious menu/item images