
ETL, flask, geographical mapping, and website creation with amusement park data.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Amusement Park Database and Ride Accident Analysis


This repository does not include all of the code or the datasets used or stored. This is a demo of code where a web scrape was used to collect the amusement park data,and various programming and visualization tools were also demonstrated here. Additionally, some static index (HTML) pages are not included in this repository since this was a part of a presentation where the static pages were to make the presentation...well, a presentation. The purpose of the repository is to demonstrate my ability to use Python, JavaScript, flask, mapping, charting, and HTML/CSS/Bootstrap dynamically.


Amusement parks are known to be quite exhilarating and offer a vast amount of fun for families and people of all ages. Water parks, spinning rides, and rollercoasters are a few examples of what is found at some of these venues. Not everyone is a thrill seeker though, and certain rides may be avoided due to preferences. Additionally, throughout the years, there have been reports of accidents at amusement parks that have either led to fatalities or injuries. Notably, it has created a stigma for some people regardless of a plethora of safety precautions used at amusement parks. On the contrary, some folks are not phased and see these amusement park “accidents” as quite rare.

While fatalities resulting from amusement park accidents are indeed quite rare, it does catch the attention of those who will be planning their trips in the near future. Staying informed and being mindful of ways to have a safe ride experience are advantages that the public may take.


The objective is to collect data on amusement parks, their rides, categories of the rides, defunct status, and highlighting incidents in order to have an ease of access to information about our favorite venues, which would demonstrate as advantageous and efficient for informational purposes.


  1. Web scrape the Roller Coaster Database (https://rcdb.com/) for amusement parks
  2. Design a Python Flask powered RESTful API and store the data in MongoDB
  3. Create a dashboard using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript with navigational menus
  4. Display the data by categories of ride type, and defunct or not (if time permits)
  5. Use amusement park accident dataset (https://saferparksdata.org/) as another interactive page and create a d3.js plot
  6. Map amusement parks in the United States using JavaScript