
Implementing machine learning in comparing the accuracy of classification algorithms in classifying levels of obesity


Implementing machine learning in comparing the accuracy of classification algorithms in classifying levels of obesity

Datasets 💾

Algorithms 🤖

  • Decision Tree
  • Naive Bayes

Package 📦︎

  • Amelia
  • ggplot2
  • GGally
  • tidyverse
  • knitr
  • rpart
  • rpart.plot
  • party
  • caret

Conclusion 💻︎

Using the decision tree algorithm in classifying obesity data is better than using the Naive Bayes algorithm. By comparison accuracy:

  1. Decision Tree (party) : 91.96%
  2. Decision Tree (rpart) : 83.45%
  3. Naive Bayes : 70.69%