
Knex CRUD app boilerplate using express and handlebars.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Boilerplate for a knex CRUD app

important: The commands for all these steps are at the bottom if you don't know them.

  1. cd into clone && run npm install.
  2. Create a local db.
  3. Change knexfile.js to reflect your local db name.
  4. Create a heroku app && postgresql addon.
  5. put your heroku-postgresql url in the .env_example and rename file right away to .env.
  6. Run knex commands to make migrations && seeds.
  7. Migrate latest!
  8. Don't forget to migrate to heroku.
  9. Enjoy!

Steps on how I setup this CRUD project

  • express --git --hbs name_of_app
  • cd intro_to_knex && npm i
  • nam i -S pg knex
  • knex init
  • git init
  • npm i -S dotenv
  • create a .env in route directory
  • echo .env >> .gitignore
  • createdb name_of_app (in my opinion)
  • edit the knexfile.js
  • create a heroku app: heroku apps:create name_of_app
  • add a db to the app: heroku addons:create heroku-postgresql
  • get the URL: heroku config
  • put that URL in .env
  • create a folder db and file knex.js
  • git remote add origin ssh_of_repo (create a repo)
  • git add/commit/push to github
  • add migrations: knex migrate:make migration_name
  • once finished run knex migrate:latest
  • for your heroku app now run:
    • knex migrate:latest --env production
  • seed your db: knex seed:make seed_name
    • run with knex seed:run
  • for your heroku app now run:
    • knex seed:run --env production
  • To deploy to heroku: git push heroku master.