Pushing myself to improve my d3 & p5 skills, with open data sources and daily-ish practice.
Data sources:
Social Security Administration (http://catalog.data.gov/dataset/ssa-disability-claim-data)
styles in html header can make debugging your javascript applied styles confusing.
is your color scale not showing up? Check the style classes defined in the head of your html doc.
tracking mouse events for a group
problematic for line graphs, with multiple lines and crossovers (have to check out Bostock's veronoi solution for this) http://bl.ocks.org/mbostock/8033015
one approach, working best for non-crossing groups. http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16918194/d3-js-mouseover-event-not-working-properly-on-svg-group
Making text unselectable, mostly on text buttons for better user experience
Why make any text unselectable? You might be using text as a button, and the cursor can be confusing, especiall if you just want user to mouse over the text-button to highlight another area in the graph.
This is a css thing, and complicated by the browsers doing things completely differently. Here's a css style solution: http://jsfiddle.net/Marcel/jH36t/
Shapes and text
These are not nestable, but must be grouped together in a container object
"A rect can't contain a text element" http://stackoverflow.com/questions/20644415/d3-appending-text-to-a-svg-rectangle
Dealing with spaces in header of csv file
When looping through rows in a csv file, and getting data for that field, might do something like
field_value = d.field_name;
But if there are spaces in the field names in the csv, you can't access like this. Instead do something like:
field_value = d['Field Name'];