
Following instructions in creating a new repository.


Following instructions in creating a new repository. Per the instructions in making and commiting changes, I must write a bit about myself in this editor. About me I am a U.S. Navy veteran who was trained to be a sailor first, hospital corpsman second, and lastly a medical laboratory technician. I never tralved or worked on a ship while in the Navy. I havd been on a submarine for a small amount o time in order to experience the close quarters. Additionally, I have achieve two Associate Science degrees. Once out of the military, I completed my Bachlorate degree followed by my Master degree. Initally, I wanted to be a Forensic DNA Analyst, but changed my goals after taking half of an semester at Hood College. I decided to continue one part of my goal; obtain a Masters degree. During my MBA journey, I identified my passion in computers. I seeked for a mentor at my job and started a new journey in computers. As I took classes in Network, Security, and Programming, I developed a stronger affection for programming. With a new love in this particular aspect of computer science, I started FreeCode Camp, Node School, and a few Udemy courses as well as Coursera courses. Additionally, I was promoted to System Administrator in the laboratory. This promotion and additional instructional sources, I am pursuing new goals as a Developer. One of my goals is to become a web devloper and create a portfolio of pro bono work. The portfolio in web development and data science would be submitted to Rutgers as part of my Bioinformatics PhD candidate package. Now, I am aware that my goals will change, but I will stay commit until I truly feel that a change is warranted. Based on past experience, this feeling does not occurr with a lack of resistance from me because I strive to succeed and failure is not an option taken lightly. Overall, I am a lifetime learner as well as a firm believer in Honor, Courage, and Committment to protect and serve my country as well as my family.