
Spring controller for Hikers of Iceland app

Primary LanguageJava

Hikers Iceland

Hópur 22

  • Almar Teitsson, alt15@hi.is
  • Björgvin Hall, bjh45@hi.is
  • Friðrik Hreinn Sigurðsson, fhs6@hi.is
  • Kristinn Godfrey Guðnason, kgg16@hi.is

How to run the program


Use a java SDK version 1.8


  • Clone this repository into your local machine
  • In your IDE select HikersicelandApplication as your main class
  • Build the program to download dependencies as defined in pom.xml
  • Run the application and open localhost:8080 in your browser

Project info


Our db inside this Github repository has some dummy data so that assignment reviewers have a better understanding of how the display is structured.

Admin testing account

We have created an admin user that can be used for assignment reviewers, but they may aswell create a new one.

  • user: hikeadmin
  • pass: admin

Privileges of user

They can:

  • Create reviews.
  • Read data from the site.
  • Update their profile, achievements.
  • Not delete anything

Privileges of admin

They can:

  • Create new hikes, items (mountains, wildlife, flora), and achievements, reviews.
  • Read data from the site.
  • Update achievements.
  • Delete every entry.