To build a project

  • Java 1.17 or newer
  • Gradle 7.5 or newer

About default setup

  • gradle assemble to initialize a project
  • You can start Spring application via your favourite ide or using gradle bootjar and then executing previously created jar
  • Project has db if necessary so no need to setup any external database. To access running application db http://localhost:8080/h2-console/login.jsp (login parameters are in file)
  • schema.sql will generate sql tables when Spring application starts
  • If you have any problems to run this pre-setup Spring application then feel free to create your own Spring project


  • Build a simple game of guess the cocktail using public API

  • Empty h2 DB is provided in the project, feel free to use it as you like

  • Game rules:

    • Random cocktail with instructions (strInstructions) is shown to the player together with number of letter in the name of the cocktail (e.g. "Mojito" -> "_ _ _ _ _ _")
    • Player must guess the name of the cocktail
    • Player can skip the round if he doesn't know the answer to get more hints about the cocktail
    • Player has 5 attempts to guess the name of the cocktail
    • If player answers correctly the game continues with a new random cocktail and score is increased by number of attempts left
    • If player answers wrongly or skips round the game shows:
      • Name of the cocktail with some new random letters revealed (e.g. "_ _ _ _ _ _" -> " _ _ j _ _ _" -> " _ _ j _ _ o" -> "M _ j _ _ o" -> "M _ ji _ o" -> "M _ jito" -> "Mojito") (For longer cocktails more letters can be revealed than one)
      • Reveal additional info about the cocktail (e.g. category, glass, ingredients, picture)
      • Number of attempts left
    • If player fails to guess the cocktail after 5 attempts the game ends and high score is updated
    • In one game same cocktail shouldn't appear twice
  • Resources:

  • Main tasks:

    • Build a Java console application using Java 1.8 or newer (we recommend using Java 17 or 21) which allows to play a game of "Guess the cocktail"
    • Build a game with the rules from above
    • Remember the current highest score achieved
    • Feel free to add any more functionalities you think would be cool to add
  • For additional credit:

    • Instead of console application, build a simple UI for the game, using your preferred framework (We prefer Angular, but feel free to use any Javascript framework you like). Game logic should still be in Java
  • Our expectations:

    • Your code is available on GitHub or any other VCS
    • Your code is clean and logically structured
    • Game logic is separated from other functionalities
    • Your code has tests where necessary
    • You are ready to explain your game & code
    • You are aware of the possible bugs in your game & code