Functions - create individual (CHRISTIAN)
- function - addTeacher
- function - addCourselist
- function - addTeacherteam
- function - addClassmember
- function - addStudent
- function - addGrade
- function - addClass
- function - addTeacherToTeacherteam
Trigger - max 12 weeks class (ALEX)
Trigger - Each teacher is assigned to a maximum of two teaching teams. (UNDECIDED)
Trigger - minimum 2 teachers per class (JONAS)
Trigger - student can only join 1 class, unless online then 3 (ALEX)
function/SO - Names of graduates, who completed a specific class (ALEX)
function/SO/View - Most popular classes, and current availability (KRISTOFFER)
function/SO - teachers occupation at a given time (KRISTOFFER)
cascade - Referential integrity (FÆLLES)
ACID - add reference constriaints isolation (FÆLLES)
indexing - considering optimization of queries (CHRISTIAN)
Privileges - create users with privileges mirroring business logic (JONAS)