Insert or update python docstrings; an improved docblockr for python
- 1
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sphinx style
#39 opened by KristoforMaynard - 0
Type annotated class attributes aren't extracted
#50 opened by Odyseus - 2
- 0
Got invalid syntax error where unpacking operator meet complacent comma placement
#49 opened by yellowsoar - 2
- 2
- 2
No installation instructions
#46 opened by mattdornfeld - 2
Can't handle newline after function arguments
#45 opened by fhchl - 1
limit line length of docs
#44 opened by bitworm - 2
- 5
- 1
Google Style class vs instance attributes
#41 opened by jaune-rouge - 0
Variable Annotations in Python 3.6
#38 opened by KristoforMaynard - 1
0.6.0 Release
#37 opened by KristoforMaynard - 8
- 0
Class docs failing PEP257 D203 and D204
#40 opened by jsmedmar - 1
Error when using template_ordered
#25 opened by syffer - 1
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Error when using 'Convert All' command
#26 opened by syffer - 0
Error with get_whole_block() and nested functions
#29 opened by syffer - 1
Error with get_whole_block() and tabulation
#28 opened by syffer - 3
bug in parse_return_keyword() ?
#20 opened by beepbap - 0
Support yield stetement
#19 opened by AllanLRH - 4
Support async def
#17 opened by sametmax - 3
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how to configure to use single quote?
#16 opened by pirDOL - 4
Understand type hints
#11 opened by sametmax - 4
Append versus insert docstring -
#12 opened by jdwestbrook - 1
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Add to Sublime Package Control
#10 opened by patillacode - 2
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Support for RestructuredText
#7 opened by minhtuev - 2
Support for keyword-only arguments
#8 opened by aldanor - 1
Style setting does not work as expected
#6 opened by dch5ny - 3
"Returns" clause in numpy docstring
#5 opened by aldanor - 3
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Attributes of a class is not scanned.
#1 opened by blueset