
Taka-Toko is a boilerplate, that can help you to build React component(s) and export them as an NPM package.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

📚 Taka-Toko

Taka-toko is a boilerplate, that can help you to build React component(s) and export them as an NPM package.

📝 How to use it?!

The index.js is the main part of this boilerplate. You can define here, which component or components would you export as the part of your NPM package.

You can use your own NPM package name instead of taka-toko of course! You only need to change the name property in the package.json.

After you finished your components and imported them in to the index.js file, you can define what would you export from them as a reusable npm package component.

So, in the index.js file you need to export them like this:

export {

At last but not at least, you need to build the project with a command:

npm run build

In th end, you need to publish your NPM package. First, you need to log in to the NPM system:

npm login

And then, you need to publish your package:

npm publish

☀️ Use your package in external project

After the publish process you can install your package in your external project:

npm install you-package-name

And then you can import your component or components that you created before:

import { YourComponent, YourComponent2, YourComponent3 /*...etc*/ } from 'your-package-name';

👨‍💻 Details abour developing process

You have an option to test and preview your components. You just need to run:

npm run watch

The browser will open on http://localhost:9000! Your develop entry point is index.dev.js file, where you can start coding.

Don't forget to import/export in index.js file those components, that you would like to export as a NPM package in the build time!