
Implementation of Braid protocol -- Toomim's proposal

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Braidjs: Synchronization in Browser + Server APIs

This contains a reference implementation in Javascript of the Braid protocol, which adds synchronization to HTTP. This code also goes one step further, and demonstrates adding synchronization to the browser and server API.

This implementation is not yet complete, but aims to be fully-functioning and robust enough for production sites.

We intentionally keep this readme short. Read more about braid at https://braid.news!

What's in this repository?

node.js            # A node implements the Abstract Braid Protocol
resource.js        # A `subscribable HTTP resource`: a URI with subscriptions
pipe.js            # A pipe connects two nodes together.  Networking happens here!
http-client.js     # Braid-HTTP network pipe for web browsers
http-server.js     # Braid-HTTP network pipe for nodejs servers
events.js          # Binding event handlers to a node
state-control.js   # Validation, access control, programmatic state on a peer
reactivity.js      # Reactive version of the abstract Braid protocol
proxy.js           # Reactive ES6 Proxy of the abstract Braid protocol
merge-algorithms/  # A variety of OT and CRDT merge-types
  tests.js         # Unit tests
  vis-sim.html     # Visual demonstration of a simulated peer-to-peer network

Note that many of these files are still stubs. You can find their previous implementations in the invisible-college/braidjs repository.

Running the code

Run tests on the server with:

npm test

Run tests in a web browser by double-clicking on:


...from your file manager, to open it in a web browser, with a file:// URL.

Implementation status

The high-level strategy:

  1. Refactor the statebus implementation (see invisible-college/braidjs)
  2. Refactor the sync9 implementation
  3. To meet, in a unified model of synchronization in browser APIs

The statebus code is being refactored at https://github.com/invisible-college/braidjs, according to this roadmap:

  • Rename fetch & save -> get & set
  • Rename statebus -> braidjs
  • Change JSON encoding
  • Remove recursion in set
  • Incorporate the Sync9 pruning peer-to-peer CRDT
  • Disconnectable pipes
  • Event-handler bindings
  • HTTP network protocol
  • Validation
  • Disk persistence
  • Reactive functions
  • Cache eviction policy
  • ES6 Proxy API