This API tries to emulate in a simplified form a dental clinic and it's appointments.
Write the following commands line:
- npm i -> Install all dependencies needed from package.json. You can take a look here
- docker-compose up -> We have here mysql and phpMyAdmin services.
- docker rm -f $(docker ps -aq) -> If you want to delete those services once installed
- npm start -> Server up on port 3001.
We wanted to start with a basic example (KISS), with a clean design for in a future continue adding more specifications.
Here you can check CRUD methods we have implemented:
-Customer register: http://localhost:3001/signup
Customer login: http://localhost:3001/signin
Customer appointment: http://localhost:3001/appointments
All customers registered: http://localhost:3001/customers/
Get a customer by ID: http://localhost:3001/customers/:id
Show all appointments (pending and not): http://localhost:3001/appointments
Show only pending appointments: http://localhost:3001/appointments/pending
Show only pending appointments from an specific customer: http://localhost:3001/appointments/customers/:customerId
Delete a customer by ID: http://localhost:3001/customers/:id
Delete only pending appointments: http://localhost:3001/appointments/pending/:id
- bcrypt
- express
- install
- jsonwebtoken
- mysql2
- nodemon
- sequelize