The project is created using Nodejs with Express framework and MongoDB as database in the backend and ReactJS in the frontend part.
Move to the backend directory :
cd backend
Before starting the backend server install the required dependencies with the following command:
npm install
To run the project first create a file named secret.js in the config folder containing the following code :
module.exports = {
SECRET : '<your secret key for passport.js>',
DB_USERNAME : '<your mongodb username>',
DB_PASSWORD : '<your mongodb password>'
Note: Change the link of the mongodb cluster as per your link in keys.js in the config folder.
Save the file.
To run the backend run the following command:
For npm start:
npm start
If nodemon is to be used:
npm run server
After doing this backend will start at port : 5000 at http://localhost:5000
Move to the frontend directory :
cd frontend
Before starting the frontend website install the required dependencies with the following command:
yarn install
After installing all the required dependancies run the following command to run the frontend website:
yarn start
After doing this the website will run at port : 3000 at http://localhost:3000
This Project is built by :
- Shiladitya De
- Sourabh Soumyakanta Das