
The Reference Implementation of the Quinoa Compiler

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT


An experimental programming language

This project is now deprecated, it served as a wonderful C++ learning experience for me, but I am now working on other stuff.


  • CMake
  • LLVM (llvm-devel) version 15
  • Clang

How To Build:

  1. Clone the repo
    git clone https://github.com/KronsyC/quinoa.git
    cd quinoa
  2. Build the project
    cmake . -B build
    cmake --build build/
  3. Compile a sample file NOTE: The current version of the compiler uses a hacky import system dependant on the build_includes script, and a json packaging format. This WILL change in later versions
    ./build/quinoa build ./examples/HelloWorld.qn -o helloworld -i $(./build_includes ./libq/qpk.json)