
Simple task manager app built with NextJS and Supabase

Primary LanguageTypeScript

A small but effective todo list app with an emphasis on the back-end.

Features ✅

  • NextUI + Tailwind for clean UI
  • Authentication with Clerk
  • Whitelist authorization with Clerk Webhooks + Supabase
  • Type-safe and secure Supabase DB access with Drizzle ORM and Next.js server actions
  • State management with React Query and Zustand

Installation ⚙️

If you wish to locally host a version of this app


Note: Although the Bun CLI and package manager are the ones used, Next.js requires you to have Node installed on your system - that is why both it and Bun appear in system requirements.


  1. Clone the repository
git clone https://github.com/Krumbit/tasks.git
  1. Install dependencies
bun install
  1. Create a Supabase project and assign appropriate environment variables
  2. Create a Clerk project and assign appropriate environment variables
  3. Create a Clerk user.created webhook and assign the appropriate environment variable
  4. Start dev server
bun dev

To-Do / Ideas 📝

  • More intuitive UI spanning the whole viewport rather than a small part
  • Due dates
  • Selectable statuses (i.e priorities, progress, etc.)
  • Extendable task types
  • Animation after marking task as complete
  • Make all server actions optimistically update