
My Inmoov mod and code

GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


My Inmoov video eyes

Heres a video if the eyes in action: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e4MdxNipw8E

Welcome, These video eyes are in no way a replacment for Gaels great Inmoov eyes design, simply a reverable cool Mod. Do with it as you will! If you would like to have your Inmoov have video eyes, you will need to following:

A teensy 3.2 (you can use almost any arduino but the provided code is based on the Adafruit teensy 3.1 eyes project. a voltage converter ( I use a 6volt battery and the teensy and the screens are 3.3v). 2 video screens, I used a set from aliexpress, and provided a pin out graphic to show you how to wire it up. Heres the screens I used:https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1-5-inch-7PIN-Full-Color-OLED-module-Display-Screen-SSD1351-Drive-IC-128-RGB-128/32850261706.html?spm=a2g0s.9042311.0.0.4dfa4c4dBhC2eE

If you look at the provided images, you can see I made a little PCB board to make the install small inside the Inmovv head. You do NOT need to make this like I did, but you will want a voltage controller step down if your over 3.3 volts on your Inmoov.

I did file the plastic on the back of the eyes, (on the sides) of the 3d print of the inmoov after removing the eye mechinisim, and then simply hot glued the screens into place. I am working on a design SLT to better have this fit better. You will want the eyes working before you place them and align them correctly on the faceplate.

I included a lot of different eye file, but the owl eyes I modified to fit better for the inmoov face. Also, you can use the blink and XY motion pins on the teensy, the code is already done, you will need to connect the correct line to the inmoov megas for this to work, I have not tested this yet!

If you have issue or questions, you can email me a jim@kruseconsultants.com and I will be happy to help!

For the code, I had to use Arduino 1.6.5

Happy Inmooving!-James