
This repo contains all my Web Development related practice codes.

Primary LanguageHTML

Web Development

This repo contains all my Web Development related practice codes.

List & description of tags or key words I have learnt so far ...

Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML)

  • <!DOCTYPE html> ... </html> - description for browser that the contents are in HTML5, also start & end for a web page.

  • <head> ... </head> - define the head portion of the document which contains information related to the document.

  • <body> ... </body> - defines the html document's body.

  • <title> ... </title> - allows you to give a web page a title, placed inside <head> ... </head> of html document.

  • <meta charset="utf-8"> - specifies which character set a website is written with, placed inside <head> ... </head> of html document.

  • UTF-8 - UTF stands for Unicode Transformation Format. Every character is encoded & can check more details here.

  • <h1> ... </h1> - html heading tag (goes from h1-largest till h6-smallest).

  • <p> ... </p> - for paragraph inside html body.

    • <p align="center"> ... </p> - center alignment of the contents of paragraph.
    • <p align="left"> ... </p> - left alignment of the contents of paragraph.
    • <p align="right"> ... </p> - right alignment of the contents of paragraph.
    • <p align="justify"> ... </p> - jusified alignment of the contents of paragraph.
  • <br> or <br /> - line break, single line space.

  • <strong> ... </strong> - for bold fonts.

  • <em> ... </em> - for emphasizing or italics font.

  • <ol> ... </ol> - for ordered list.

  • <ul> ... </ul> - for unordered list.

  • <li> ... </li> - list items, to be written eiter inside <ol> ... </ol> or <ul> ... </ul> tags.

  • <img> - used for inserting image in web page.

    • <img src="path to image"> - syntax for adding image.
    • <img src="path to image" alt="alternate desc."> - add alternate description which will be shown in case image is not accessible.
    • <img src="path to image" width="400" height="450"> - to customize the width & height of the image.
  • <table> ... </table> - used for creating a table in web page.

  • <caption> ... </caption> - used for giving heading of the table.

  • <tr> ... </tr> - used for the rows in the table, to be used inside <table> ... </table> tag.

  • <th> ... </th> - used for column heading in the table, to be used inside <table> ... </table> tag.

  • <td> ... </td> - used for putting data in cells in a table, to be used inside <table> ... </table> tag.

  • <a> ... </a> - Anchor tag. User for hyper link or reference(href).

    • <a href="link">Open Link</a> - Opens the link in same page itself.
    • <a href="link" target="_blank">Open Link</a> - Opens the link in another tab.
    • <a href="tel:+919876543210">Call me.</a> - Click to call the number.
    • <a href="mailto:example@yahoo.com">Mail me</a> - Click to mail.
    • <a href="#block">Jump</a> - Go to specific part of the same page itself, has some prerequisite.(Will be updated later)
  • Special symbols - Either use the following code or copy from internet.

    • Use &nbsp; for Non breaking space ( )
    • Use &pound; for pound (£)
    • Use &euro; for euro (€)
    • Use &sect; for section (§)
    • Use &copy; for copyright (©)
    • Use &reg; for registered (®)
    • Use &trade; for trademark (™)
    • Use &deg; for degree (°)
  • <video controls> <source src="path"> </video> - used for insterting video in the web page.

    • autoplay - if mentioned, the video automatically begins to play back as soon as it can do so without stopping to finish loading the data.
    • controls - if mentioned, the browser will offer controls to allow the user to control video playback, including volume, seeking, and pause/resume playback.
    • height - the height of the video's display area.
    • loop - if specified, the browser will automatically seek back to start upon reaching the end of the video.
    • poster - A url for an image to be shown while the video video is downloading.
    • src - the url of the video to embed.
    • width - the width of the video's display area.
  • <audio controls> <source src="path"> </audio> - used for insterting audio in the web page.

    • autoplay - if specified, the audio will automatically begin playback as soon as it can do so, without waiting for the entire audio file to finish downloading.
    • controls - if this attribute is present, the browser will offer controls to allow the user to control audio playback, including volume, seeking and pause/resume playback.
    • loop - if specified, the audio player will automatically seek back to the start upon reaching the end of the audio.
    • preload - this enumerated attribute is intended to provide a hint to the browser about what the author thinks will lead to the best user experience.
    • src - The url of the audio embed.
  • <form> ... </form> - The form tag is used to collect user input. It can have attributes such as :

    • <form action="/action.php"> ... </form> - defines the action to be performed when the form is submitted, the php file will process the user inputs.
  • <input> - Form element for input field, stays inside <form> ... </form> tag. Can have attribute as following.

    • <input type="text"> - Displays a single-line text input field
    • <input type="radio"> - Displays a radio button (for selecting one of many choices)
    • <input type="checkbox"> - Displays a checkbox (for selecting zero or more of many choices)
    • <input type="submit"> - Displays a submit button (for submitting the form)
    • <input type="button"> - Displays a clickable button

Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)

  • CSS can be implemented into HTML in 3 ways :
    • Inline : need to add the style attribute to HTML tag (eg: <h1 style="color:white;">CSS</h1>)
    • Internal : need to add <style>...</style> tag inside <head>...</head> tag in the HTML page.
    • External : need to add an another page of css & link it with HTML page.

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