
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Stories in Ready

Character Builder

Character builder

Basic Structure


Static files, including the landing page index.html


All javascript files. These are bundled through Webpack and output into public/assets/main.bundle.js.

Getting Started

Clone the Repo

git clone https://github.com/Krustal/js-starter.git
npm install

Quick Start

npm start

Starts a browser-sync session on localhost:3000 with browser-sync ui on localhost:3001.


Running tests

npm test

Runs the karma test environment.

npm test -- --no-single-run

Runs tests and then re-runs on change

Run style-guide

This project uses react-storybook to run a live updating styleguide for all presentational components.

npm run styleguide

The styleguide "stories" live in [repo root]/styleguide/stories and take the same directory structure as the components library in src.

Building manually

npm run webpack

Runs a manual build of the project in development mode.

npm run build

Runs a manual build of the project in PRODUCTION mode. This build takes longer and performs some extra steps to compress output and remove test helpers. It also extracts CSS into a separate css module and injects the link to it in the header.

npm run prod-server

Alias to the npm run build script followed by starting a browser-sync session. Running this way does not have any watchers in place, but if you need to verify the production build this is the place to do it.