
Android Application meant to help with finances. Final project for the CodePath Android Development Bootcamp at UCSD.

Primary LanguageJava


Table of Contents

  1. Overview
  2. Product Spec
  3. Wireframes
  4. Schema



This is a mobile app that tracks a user's various bank accounts from multiple banks and makes financial calculations based on the information found in those accounts. Such calculations could be related to spending, budgeting, investing, etc.

App Evaluation

[Evaluation of your app across the following attributes]

  • Category: Finance
  • Mobile: Since accounts must be updated on the regular for proper and correct financial operations/calculations to be done, the app will have real-time updating. Push notifications would be utilized to give the user information after updates.
  • Story: There is a functional value in this app related to giving users beneficial financial information. For someone who would like to be more financially responsible or literate, this app would fill that role.
  • Market: Any one with multiple bank accounts and is interested in recording and/or analyzing their spending would be in the potential market for this app. This app would provide great value for people who travel often or have multiple income sources, for example.
  • Habit: Frequency: whenever they spend or on a daily basis to check spending habits. Usage: just consuming.
  • Scope: It will be fairly technically challenging based on the fact that multiple APIs for multiple banks must be utilized and security and authentication must be maintained for all of these accounts at all times. Furthermore, complex mathematical functions might be created to provide the user with the financial information required.

Product Spec

1. User Stories (Required and Optional)

Required Must-have Stories

    • User can login to an account in the app
    • User can register an account within the app
    • User can link bank account(s) to app
    • Weekly/monthly analysis (charts and graphs) of spending and budgeting of all accounts
    • Record different kinds of currency
    • User can change their password

Optional Nice-to-have Stories

    • Link news articles concerning the market and other finance related topics.
    • Have an education section with quick links to useful YouTube videos.
    • Utilize bank APIs for account information

2. Screen Archetypes

  • Login Screen

    • User logs into the app
  • Registration Screen

    • User can create a new account
  • Accounts Screen

    • User can select an account to view
  • Individual Account Screen

    • User can view their recent transactions from their account
  • Spending Analysis Screen

    • User can view weekly/monthly spending summaries
  • Settings Screen

    • User can view and change settings
  • News Screen

    • User can scroll through financially relevant news
  • Add a new Account Screen

    • User can link a new bank account to view in Accounts Screen
  • Bank Selection Screen

    • User can see a list of the most popular banks in the US.

3. Navigation

Tab Navigation (Tab to Screen)

  • Accounts Screen
  • Spending Analysis Screen
  • Settings Screen
  • News Screen (Optional)

Flow Navigation (Screen to Screen)

  • Log In Screen

    • => Accounts Screen
    • => Registration Screen
  • Registration Screen

    • => Accounts Screen
    • => Log In Screen
  • Accounts Screen

    • => Individual Account Screen
    • => Settings Screen
    • => Spending Analysis Screen
    • => News Screen (Optional)
  • Settings Screen

    • => Accounts Screen
    • => Add a new Account Screen
  • Spending Analysis Screen

    • => Accounts Screen
  • Individual Account Screen

    • => Accounts Screen
  • Add a new Account Screen

    • => Settings Screen
    • => Bank Selection Screen
  • Bank Selection Screen

    • => Add a new Account Screen


[BONUS] Digital Wireframes & Mockups

[BONUS] Interactive Prototype




Property Type Description
username String Name of user
password String password
push notifs Boolean allows push


Property Type Description
user Pointer to User User associated with acct
bank String Name of bank
account number Number Account number
account password String Account password
balance Number Balance of account
transactions [Pointer to Transaction] Transactions associated with account


Property Type Description
account Pointer to Account Account associated with transaction
date DateTime date of transaction
balance Number dollar amount of transaction
isSpending Boolean is transaction positive/negative


Property Type Description
headline String headline of news article
content String content of news article
category String category of news article
creation date DateTime creation date of news article


Property Type Description
date DateTime date of summary
spending [Pointer to Account] total of all spending
income [Pointer to Account] total of all income


Property Type Description
summaries [Pointer to Summary] summaries for analysis
type Number 0 = day, 1 = weekly, 2 = monthly


Registration Screen

CRUD HTTP Verb Example
Create POST create user
private void registerUser(String username, String password) {
	ParseUser user = new ParseUser();
	user.signUpInBackground(new SignUpCallback() {
		public void done(ParseException e) {
			if (e != null) {
				// Toast : "Failed to Register your credentials"
				Log.e(TAG, "Issue with signing up", e);
				// Toast : "Welcome!"
			    // go to main activity

Accounts Screen

CRUD HTTP Verb Example
Read GET get all accounts
protected void queryAccounts() {
	ParseQuery<Account> query = ParseQuery.getQuery(Account.class);
	query.findInBackground(new FindCallback<Post>() {
		public void done(List<Account> accounts, ParseException e) {
			if (e != null) {
				Log.e(TAG, "Issue with getting accounts", e);
			// allAccounts is input for an adapter
			// adapter in onViewCreated() for AccountsFragment.java

Add a New Account Screen

CRUD HTTP Verb Example
Create POST create account
protected void postAccount(ParseUser currentUser, String name, Long accountNumber, String password, Long balance) {
	Account account = new Account();
	account.saveInBackground(new SaveCallback() {
		public void done(ParseException e) {
			if (e != null) {
				Log.e(TAG, "Error while saving", e);
				// Toast: "Could not add account."
			Log.i(TAG, "Post save was successful!");
			// Maybe clear out text views

Individual Account Screen

CRUD HTTP Verb Example
Read GET get information on an account
Delete DELETE delete account
Create POST create transaction
Read GET get transaction
Update PUT update transaction
Delete DELETE delete transaction
/* Getting information on an account */ 
// subject to change
protected void queryAccount() {
	ParseQuery<Account> query = ParseQuery.getQuery("accountName");
	query.getInBackground("accountId", new GetCallback<Account>() {
		public void done(Account account, ParseException e) {
			if (e != null) {
			  // something went wrong 
			// Do the magic here

/* Deleting an account */ 
/* Creating a transaction */ 
protected void postTransaction(Account account, String date, Long balance, boolean isSpending) {
	Transaction transaction = new Transaction();
	account.saveInBackground(new SaveCallback() {
		public void done(ParseException e) {
			if (e != null) {
				Log.e(TAG, "Error while saving", e);
				// Toast: "Could not add transaction."
			Log.i(TAG, "Save was successful!");
			// Maybe clear out text views

/* Getting a transaction */ 
// subject to change
protected void queryAccount() {
	ParseQuery<Transaction> query = ParseQuery.getQuery("transactionName");
	query.getInBackground("transactionId", new GetCallback<Transaction>() {
		public void done(Transaction transaction, ParseException e) {
			if (e != null) {
			  // something went wrong 
			// Do the magic here

/* Updating a transaction */ 
// subject to change
ParseQuery<Transaction> query = ParseQuery.getQuery("transactionName");
// Retrieve the object by id
query.getInBackground("xWMyZ4YEGZ (objectId)", new GetCallback<Transaction>() {
	public void done(Transaction transaction, ParseException e) {
		if (e != null) {
			// something went wrong	
	// Now let's update it with some new data. In this case, only balance and isSpending
	// will get sent to your Parse Server. date hasn't changed.
	transaction.put("balance", 100.00);
	transaction.put("isSpending", false);

/* Deleting a transaction */ 

Spending Analysis Screen

CRUD HTTP Verb Example
Read GET get analysis
Update PUT update analysis
/* Getting an analysis */ 
// subject to change
ParseQuery<Analysis> query = ParseQuery.getQuery("analysis");
query.getInBackground("analysisID", new GetCallback<Analysis>() {
	public void done(Analysis analysis, ParseException e) {
		if (e != null) {
		  // something went wrong 
		// Do the magic here

/* Updating an analysis */ 
// subject to change
ParseQuery<Analysis> query = ParseQuery.getQuery("analysis");
// Retrieve the object by id
query.getInBackground("xWMyZ4YEGZ (objectId)", new GetCallback<Analysis>() {
	public void done(Analysis analysis, ParseException e) {
		if (e != null) {
			// something went wrong	
	analysis.put("type", 2);

Settings Screen

CRUD HTTP Verb Example
Update PUT update user push preference
/* Updating Settings */ 
// subject to change
ParseQuery<Setting> query = ParseQuery.getQuery("setting");
// Retrieve the object by id
query.getInBackground("xWMyZ4YEGZ (objectId)", new GetCallback<Setting>() {
	public void done(Setting setting, ParseException e) {
		if (e != null) {
			// something went wrong	
	setting.put("push_preference", true);

Optional News Screen

CRUD HTTP Verb Example
Create POST create news articles (from API)
Read GET get all news articles
Update PUT update news article
Delete DELETE delete news article(s)
  • [Create basic snippets for each Parse network request]
  • [OPTIONAL: List endpoints if using existing API such as Yelp]

Build Progress

Registration & Login

Accounts Tab & New Account Activity

News Tab

New Transaction Popup & Analysis Tab
