
Kru-Components - Example Components Library to try @nuxt/components

Primary LanguageVue


Basic third-party library component to demonstrate @nuxt/components Nuxt module.


Include Kru Components into your Nuxt project

Using npm:

npm i kru-components

Using yarn:

yarn add kru-components

With Nuxt.js

See examples/with-nuxt

Kru-components is using @nuxt/components to efficently lazy import components by usage.

Important: Ensure using nuxt >= 2.13.0 and components option is set from nuxt.config

export default {
  components: true,
  buildModules: [

kru-components is configured with kru prefix. Below is how you'd use them in the template area of your Nuxt components.

  <kru-counter :increase-by="10"> </kru-counter>
  <!-- OR -->
  <KruCounter :increase-by="2"></KruCounter>

With Vue-CLI

See examples/with-vue


  • Clone this repository
  • Run yarn install
  • Run yarn dev