
Language Server Indexing Format implementation for Go

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT

Go LSIF indexer

Visit https://lsif.dev/ to learn about LSIF.



go get github.com/sourcegraph/lsif-go/cmd/lsif-go

Indexing your repository

After installing lsif-go onto your PATH, run the command in the root where your go.mod file is located.

$ lsif-go
5 package(s), 8 file(s), 689 def(s), 13681 element(s)
Processed in 1.002227943s

Use lsif-go --help for more information.

Updating your index

To keep your index up-to-date, you can add a step to your CI to generate new data when your repository changes. For example, you can use our LSIF Go action workflow to generate and upload an index in GitHub Actions.