

You'll need to install Node.js, you can use the v6.11.0 or above. Then open up a console (Terminal, iTerm, PowerShell, etc.) and install the depencencies for this project.

npm install

How to run


# Start the dev server with live reload
# on http://localhost:8080
npm start

Build assets for upload

# Build the static assets for upload.
# They'll be put in the /build folder.
npm run build

If you make a commit with the generated files and push it to GitHub then that will also update the live version.


Tech used

Pug (formerly Jade) for HTML layout, you can check out the official language reference to see how it works.
If you find the syntax too heavy, you can also just write plain HTML and run it through a converter when you're happy with your code.

Bootstrap 4 with our own custom overrides in global.scss. The idea is to customize and use as much of the existing components as possible.

How to create a new page

  1. Create pug/my_page.pug and sass/my_page.scss
  2. Import your page styles in sass/main.scss, this is where we require all sass files for the final build ATM. @import './my_page.scss'
  3. Your page must have header and footer elements
doctype html
include head.pug
  include header.pug
  <!-- you code --->
  include footer.pug
  1. Make webpack compile your page by adding a new entry under plugins in webpack.config.js
new HtmlWebpackPlugin({
  filename: "my_page.html",
  template: "pug/my_page.pug"
  1. Finally, the page should be listed in the main menu. In pug/index.pug add a link to it
a.list-group-item.list-group-item-action(href="my_page.html") My Page

What's an atom?

Very small UI elements (<20 lines of pug) that are used in multiple places are good candidates for being an atom.

It's best to just write your pug and styles in a single place and split up into atoms when you need to use the same thing somewere else.

Things to keep in mind

  1. Carousel images should have a size of 1050px x 277px for best results