
Open the link above.

NOTICE: Do your work within the frame!

Step 1: Press "1", then choose a place to put the starting point agent with left mouse click.

Step 2: Press "2", then choose a place to put the starting point of an obstacle with left mouse click. Then choose somewhere else and press left mouse button again to put ending point of the obstacle. The obstacle may have several mid-points if the mouse clicking is repeated.

Step 3 (Optional): Press "2" again and repeat the process. Have multiple obstacles.

Step 4: Press "3", then choose a place to put the ending point agent with left mouse click (This will also trigger delaunay triangulation).

Step 5: Press "4" to create a graph that does not interfare with the obstacles.

Step 6: Press "5" to find the shortest safe path from starting point agent to the ending point agent.