
A fast and expressive Matlab/MatConvNet deep learning API, with native automatic differentiation



AutoNN is a functional wrapper for MatConvNet, implementing automatic differentiation.

It builds on MatConvNet's low-level functions and Matlab's math operators, to create a modern deep learning API with automatic differentiation at its core. The guiding principles are:

  • Concise syntax for fast research prototyping, mixing math and deep network blocks freely.
  • No boilerplate code to create custom layers, implemented as Matlab functions operating on GPU arrays.
  • Minimal execution kernel for backpropagation, with a focus on speed.

Compared to the previous wrappers for MatConvNet, AutoNN is less verbose and has lower computational overhead.


  • A recent Matlab (preferably 2015b onwards, though older versions may also work).
  • MatConvNet version 24 or more recent.

AutoNN in a nutshell

Add MatConvNet and AutoNN to the path (with the vl_setupnn and setup_autonn functions, respectively), then run the following:

% load simple data
s = load('fisheriris.mat') ;
data_x = single(s.meas.') ;  % features-by-samples matrix
[~, ~, data_y] = unique(s.species) ;  % convert strings to class labels

% define inputs and parameters
x = Input() ;
y = Input() ;
w = Param('value', 0.01 * randn(3, 4, 'single')) ;
b = Param('value', 0.01 * randn(3, 1, 'single')) ;

% combine them using math operators, which define the prediction
prediction = w * x + b ;

% compute least-squares loss
loss = sum(sum((prediction - y).^2)) ;

% use workspace variables' names as the layers' names, and compile net
Layer.workspaceNames() ;
net = Net(loss) ;

% simple SGD
learningRate = 1e-5 ;
outputs = zeros(1, 100) ;
rng(0) ;

for iter = 1:100,
  % draw minibatch
  idx = randperm(numel(data_y), 50) ;
  % evaluate network
  net.eval({x, data_x(:,idx), y, data_y(idx)'}) ;
  % update weights
  net.setValue(w, net.getValue(w) - learningRate * net.getDer(w)) ;
  net.setValue(b, net.getValue(b) - learningRate * net.getDer(b)) ;
  % plot loss
  outputs(iter) = net.getValue(loss) ;

figure(3) ; plot(outputs) ;
xlabel('Iteration') ; ylabel('Loss') ;

All of MatConvNet's layer functions are overloaded, as well as a growing list of Matlab math operators and functions. The derivatives for these functions are defined whenever possible, so that they can be composed to create differentiable models. A full list can be found here.



The easiest way to learn more is to follow this short tutorial. It covers all the basic concepts and a good portion of the API.

Help pages

Comprehensive documentation is available by typing help autonn into the Matlab console. This lists all the classes and methods, with short descriptions, and provides links to other help pages.


The examples directory has heavily-commented samples. These can be grouped in two categories:

  • The minimal examples (in examples/minimal) are very short and self-contained. They are scripts so you can inspect and explore the resulting variables in the command window. The SGD optimization is a simple for loop, so if you prefer to have full control over learning this is the way to go.

  • The full examples (in examples/cnn and examples/rnn) demonstrate training using cnn_train_autonn, equivalent to the MatConvNet cnn_train function. This includes the standard options, such as checkpointing and different solvers.

The ImageNet and MNIST examples work exactly the same as the corresponding MatConvNet examples, except for the network definitions. There is also a text LSTM example (examples/rnn/rnn_lstm_shakespeare.m), and a CNN on toy data (examples/cnn/cnn_toy_data_autonn.m), which provides a good starting point for training on custom datasets.