
Universal Syntax Tree


Universal Syntax Tree.

Unist is the combination of three project, and more to come, which are the summation of at least two years of my work and the current epitome of that.

It’s a system for processing input: parsing it into a syntax tree, transforming it through plug-ins, and compiling the tree to something else.

This document explains some terminology relating to retext, remark, rehype, and their related projects.

This document may not be released. See releases for released documents.

Table of Contents

Unist nodes

Subsets of Unist can define new properties on new nodes, and plug-ins and utilities can define new data properties on nodes. But, the values on those properties must be JSON values: string, number, object, array, true, false, or null. This means that the syntax tree should be able to be converted to and from JSON and produce the same tree. For example, in JavaScript, a tree should be able to be passed through JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(tree)) and result in the same values.

See nlcst for more information on retext nodes, mdast for information on remark nodes, and hast for information on rehype nodes.


A Node represents any unit in the Unist hierarchy. It is an abstract interface. Interfaces extending Node must have a type property, and may have data or location properties. types are defined by their namespace.

Subsets of Unist are allowed to define properties on interfaces which extend Unist’s abstract interfaces. For example, mdast defines Link (Parent) with a url property.

interface Node {
  type: string;
  data: Data?;
  position: Location?;


Data represents data associated with any node. Data is a scope for plug-ins to store any information. For example, remark-html uses htmlAttributes to let other plug-ins specify attributes added to the compiled HTML element.

interface Data { }


Location references a range consisting of two points in a Unist file. Location consists of a start and end position. And, if relevant, an indent property.

When the value represented by a node is not present in the document corresponding to the syntax tree at the time of reading, it must not have a location. These nodes are said to be generated.

interface Location {
  start: Position;
  end: Position;
  indent: [uint32 >= 1]?;


Position references a point consisting of two indices in a Unist file: line and column, set to 1-based integers. An offset (0-based) may be used.

interface Position {
  line: uint32 >= 1;
  column: uint32 >= 1;
  offset: uint32 >= 0?;


Nodes containing other nodes (said to be children) extend the abstract interface Parent (Node).

interface Parent <: Node {
  children: [Node];


Nodes containing a value extend the abstract interface Text (Node).

interface Text <: Node {
  value: string;

Unist files

Unist files are virtual files (such as vfile) representing documents at a certain location. They are not limited to existing files, nor to the file-system.

Unist utilities

Unist utilities are functions which work with unist nodes, agnostic of remark, retext, or rehype.

A list of vfile-related utilities can be found at vfile.

List of Utilities