A CRUD operation with MongoDB, Node, Express without mongoose
you need to edit .env file with your DB URL, replace YOUR_CONNECTION_URL with proper url once done, simple run
npm install
npm run server
Request: Add Task
Headers Content-Type: application/json
Body { "title": "Task Title", "description": "Task Description", "startDate": "23/09/2022", "dueDate": "23/09/2022", "status": "pending", "priority": "high" }
Response: 201 Created
Request: Get all tasks
Response: 200 OK
- Body [ { "title": "Task Title", "description": "Task Description", "startDate": "23/09/2022", "dueDate": "23/09/2022", "status": "pending", "priority": "high" } ]
Request: Get a task
Response: 200 OK
- Body { "title": "Task Title", "description": "Task Description", "startDate": "23/09/2022", "dueDate": "23/09/2022", "status": "pending", "priority": "high" }
Request: Update a task
Headers Content-Type: application/json
Body { "title": "Task Title", "description": "Task Description", "startDate": "23/09/2022", "dueDate": "23/09/2022", "status": "pending", "priority": "high" }
Response: 200 OK
Request: Delete a task
Response: 200 OK
Request: Mark task as done date
Headers Content-Type: application/json
Body { "doneDate": "23/09/2022" }
Response: 200 OK
Request: Change task Status
Headers Content-Type: application/json
Body { "status": "pending" }
Response: 200 OK
Request: Filter Task by status
Response: 200 OK
- Body [ { "title": "Task Title", "description": "Task Description", "startDate": "23/09/2022", "dueDate": "23/09/2022", "status": "pending", "priority": "high" } ]
Request: Search Task by title
Response: 200 OK
- Body [ { "title": "Task Title", "description": "Task Description", "startDate": "23/09/2022", "dueDate": "23/09/2022", "status": "pending", "priority": "high" } ]
Request: Sort tasks by start date, due date, done date
Headers Content-Type: application/json
Body { "dateType": "startDate", }
Response: 200 OK
Request: Add Project
Headers Content-Type: application/json
Body { "title": "Project Title", "description": "Project Description", "startDate": "23/09/2022", "dueDate": "23/09/2022" }
Response: 201 Created
Request: Get all projects
Response: 200 OK
- Body [ { "title": "Project Title", "description": "Project Description", "startDate": "23/09/2022", "dueDate": "23/09/2022" } ]
Request: Get a project
Response: 200 OK
- Body { "title": "Project Title", "description": "Project Description", "startDate": "23/09/2022", "dueDate": "23/09/2022" }
Request: Update a project
Headers Content-Type: application/json
Body { "title": "Project Title", "description": "Project Description", "startDate": "23/09/2022", "dueDate": "23/09/2022" }
Response: 200 OK
Request: Delete a project
Response: 200 OK
Request: Get all tasks of a project
Response: 200 OK
- Body [ { "title": "Task Title", "description": "Task Description", "startDate": "23/09/2022", "dueDate": "23/09/2022", "status": "pending", "priority": "high", projectId: "5OM3R4ND0M1D" } ]
Request: Assign Task to a Project
Headers Content-Type: application/json
Body { taskId: "5OM3R4ND0M1D" }
Response: 200 OK
Request: Remove Task from a Project
Response: 200 OK
Request: Filter Task by Project Name
Response: 200 OK
- Body [ { "title": "Task Title", "description": "Task Description", "startDate": "23/09/2022", "dueDate": "23/09/2022", "status": "pending", "priority": "high", projectId: "5OM3R4ND0M1D" } ]
Request: Sort Project by start date, due date
Headers Content-Type: application/json
Body { "dateType": "startDate", }
Response: 200 OK
- Body [ { "title": "Project Title", "description": "Project Description", "startDate": "23/09/2022", "dueDate": "23/09/2022" } ]
Request: Get task by due date
Headers Content-Type: application/json
Body { "dueDate": "23/09/2022" }
Response: 200 OK
- Body [ { "title": "Task Title", "description": "Task Description", "startDate": "23/09/2022", "dueDate": "23/09/2022", "status": "pending", "priority": "high", projectId: "5OM3R4ND0M1D" } ]
Request: Get project by due date
Headers Content-Type: application/json
Body { "dueDate": "23/09/2022" }
Response: 200 OK
- Body [ { "title": "Project Title", "description": "Project Description", "startDate": "23/09/2022", "dueDate": "23/09/2022" } ]