
An async python library for interfacing with MyEnergi devices

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


An async python library for myenergi API

This is a very early release, things are changing rapidly so use at your own risk!

NOTE: This work is not officially supported by myenergi and functionality can stop working at any time without warning


The easiest method is to install using pip3/pip (venv is also a good idea)

pip install pymyenergi

to update to the latest version

pip install pymyenergi -U

Setup will add a cli under the name myenergicli, see below for usage


A simple cli is provided with this library.

If no username or password is supplied as input arguments and no configuration file is found you will be prompted. Conifguration file will be searched for in ./.myenergi.cfg and ~/.myenergi.cfg

Example configuration file


CLI usage

usage: myenergi [-h] [-u USERNAME] [-p PASSWORD] [-d] [-j]
                {list,overview,zappi,eddi,harvi} ...

myenergi CLI.

positional arguments:
                        sub-command help
    list                list devices
    overview            show overview
    zappi               use zappi --help for available commands
    eddi                use eddi --help for available commands
    harvi               use harvi --help for available commands
    libbi               use libbi --help for available commands

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -u USERNAME, --username USERNAME
  -p PASSWORD, --password PASSWORD
  -d, --debug
  -j, --json

Library usage

Install pymyenergi using pip (requires python > 3.6)

Example client usage

import asyncio
from pymyenergi.connection import Connection
from pymyenergi.client import MyenergiClient
from sys import argv
import logging


user = argv[1]
password = argv[2]

async def zappis() -> None:
    conn = Connection(user, password)
    client = MyenergiClient(conn)

    zappis = await client.getDevices('zappi')
    for zappi in zappis:
        print(f"Zappi {zappi.serial_number} charge mode {zappi.charge_mode}")

loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()

Example client usage - Zappi

import asyncio
from pymyenergi.connection import Connection
from pymyenergi.zappi import Zappi
from sys import argv
import logging


user = argv[1]
password = argv[2]
zappi_serial = argv[3]

async def get_data() -> None:
    conn = Connection(user, password)
    zappi = Zappi(conn, zappi_serial)
    await zappi.refresh()
    print(f"Zappi S/N {zappi.serial_number} version {zappi.firmware_version}")
    print(f"Status: {zappi.status} Plug status: {zappi.plug_status} Locked: {zappi.locked}")
    print(f"Priority: {zappi.priority}")
    print(f"Charge mode: {zappi.charge_mode} {zappi.num_phases} phase")
    print(f"Lock when plugged in   : {zappi.lock_when_pluggedin}")
    print(f"Lock when unplugged    : {zappi.lock_when_unplugged}")
    print(f"Charge when locked     : {zappi.charge_when_locked}")
    print(f"Charge session allowed : {zappi.charge_session_allowed}")
    print(f"Charge added: {zappi.charge_added}")
    print(f"CT 1 {zappi.ct1.name} {zappi.ct1.power}W")
    print(f"CT 2 {zappi.ct2.name} {zappi.ct2.power}W")
    print(f"CT 3 {zappi.ct3.name} {zappi.ct3.power}W")
    print(f"CT 4 {zappi.ct4.name} {zappi.ct4.power}W")
    print(f"CT 5 {zappi.ct5.name} {zappi.ct5.power}W")
    print(f"CT 6 {zappi.ct6.name} {zappi.ct6.power}W")
    print(f"Supply voltage: {zappi.supply_voltage}V frequency: {zappi.supply_frequency}Hz")
    print(f"  Grid      : {zappi.power_grid}W")
    print(f"  Generated : {zappi.power_generated}W")
    print(f"      Boost start at {zappi.boost_start_hour}:{zappi.boost_start_minute} add {zappi.boost_amount}kWh")
    print(f"Smart Boost start at {zappi.smart_boost_start_hour}:{zappi.smart_boost_start_minute} add {zappi.smart_boost_amount}kWh")

loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()

Libbi support

Very early and basic support of Libbi.

  • Reads a few values such as State of Charge, DCPV CT
  • Battery in and out energy
  • Gets and sets the current status
  • Change priority of Libbi

cli examples:

myenergi libbi show
myenergi libbi mode normal
myenergi libbi mode stop
myenergi libbi priority 1
myenergi libbi energy


twonk for documenting the unofficial API