
Highly configurable config files reader and parser with detailed configuration errors reporting. Supports YAML and INI config providers.

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT


Yet another, highly configurable config files reader and parser with detailed configuration errors reporting. Supports YAML and INI config providers.


  • Support for nested keys,
  • Support for C# objects as nested config items,
  • Support for path config items (checking for file/directory existence and type),
  • Configurable empty values handling,
  • Using class member initial values as default values,
  • Automatic type coercion where it seems natural (eg. "yes" as true for boolean config items).


ConfigValue attribute

ConfigValue(string path, RequiredEnum required, EmptyHandling emptyHandling)

required -

  • RequiredEnum.Required - default, value is required not to be null (either present in the config file or with the default value as set by EmptyHandling value),
  • RequiredEnum.Optional - value is optional,

emptyHandling -

  • EmptyHandling.NotAllowed - default, empty value is not allowed
  • EmptyHandling.AsIs - empty value is passed as is, ie. name: will be name = "",
  • EmptyHandling.AsNull - treat empty value as if null was passed, ie. name: will be name = null,
  • EmptyHandling.UseDefaultValue - use default value (from the C# object) if value is empty. If member is nullable, there is no default value and config item is Required, error will be raised.

ConfigPath attribute

ConfigPath(PathType pathType, PathRelativeTo pathRelativeTo, bool mustExists)

pathType -

  • PathType.FileOrDirectory - path must be a file or directory,
  • PathType.File - path must be a file, throw an error if a directory is passed,
  • PathType.Directory - path must be a directory, throw an error if a file is passed,

pathRelativeTo -

  • PathRelativeTo.ConfigFile - default, resulting path will be relative to config file path,
  • PathRelativeTo.WorkingDirectory - resulting path will be relative to the current working directory,

mustExists - default = true, throw an error, if file doesn't exist.


using KDConfig;
using KDConfig.Attributes;
using KDConfig.Provider.Yaml;

namespace ExampleREADME;

internal static class Program
  private class Config
    [ConfigValue("db.host", RequiredEnum.Required)]
    public readonly string Hostname = null!;

    [ConfigValue("db.port", RequiredEnum.Optional, EmptyHandling.UseDefaultValue)]
    public readonly int Port = 5432;

  public static void Main()
    var configFile = @"
  host: localhost
  port: 15432

    try {
      var provider = YamlConfigDataProvider.FromYamlString(configFile);
      var cfg = ConfigParser.CreateFrom<Config>(provider);
      Console.WriteLine($"Hostname = {cfg.Hostname}");
      Console.WriteLine($"Port     = {cfg.Port}");
    catch (ConfigException e) {

See also

  • Config.NET - great project that I used to use before I wrote my own library.