The Argent Pony Warcraft Client is a .NET client for the Blizzard World of Warcraft APIs. It lets .NET applications easily access information about World of Warcraft characters, guilds, items, spells, and more. It is a .NET Standard 2.0 library, which means it supports a broad range of platforms, including .NET Core 2.0+ and .NET Framework 4.6.1+.
Documentation is available at
Create a new Console Application in Visual Studio or via dotnet new.
dotnet new console --name QuickStart
Add the ArgentPonyWarcraftClient NuGet package to the project:
dotnet add QuickStart package ArgentPonyWarcraftClient
Update Program.cs in the new project as follows, subsituting your own client ID and secret from Blizzard's Getting Started instructions:
using System;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using ArgentPonyWarcraftClient;
namespace QuickStart
class Program
static async Task Main(string[] args)
// Secrets from
string clientId = "MY-CLIENT-ID-GOES-HERE";
string clientSecret = "MY-CLIENT-SECRET-GOES-HERE";
var warcraftClient = new WarcraftClient(clientId, clientSecret);
// Retrieve the character profile for Drinian of realm Norgannon.
RequestResult<CharacterProfileSummary> result =
await warcraftClient.GetCharacterProfileSummaryAsync("norgannon", "drinian", "profile-us");
// If we got it, display the level.
if (result.Success)
CharacterProfileSummary profile = result.Value;
Console.WriteLine($"Level for {profile.Name}: {profile.Level}");
Build and run the console application.
cd QuickStart
dotnet run
The console output displays the profile data that was retrieved from the Blizzard Character Profile API. The library supports many other APIs, too.
Level for Drinian: 60