
Chaos Mod for Portal 2

Primary LanguageC++OtherNOASSERTION


KrzyMod - Chaos Mod for Portal 2

KrzyMod is a plugin for Portal 2 that allows you to play the game while a bunch of random effects try to stop you from succeeding in that goal.

Every once in a while, the plugin will trigger a random effect, which can be anything from spawning a cube to giving you laser eyes or making all props randomly colored.

This allows for a playthrough/speedrun full of surprises and it's up to you to figure out a way to use them/deal with them.

So far, 70 different effects have been implemented and the list will probably grow with time. You can find a list of all effects available in the mod here.

The mod also includes Twitch support, allowing your viewers to vote for one of four random effects.


To use the plugin, install it by downloading the library from the newest release in releases tab. Then, move a .dll library (or .so library if you're on Linux) into the main Portal 2 directory where the game's executable is located (usually it's Steam/steamapps/common/Portal 2). Once a library is in there, you can open up the game and type plugin_load krzymod in a console.

It should be noted that SourceAutoRecord doesn't cooperate well with plugins being loaded after SAR has been loaded, therefore make sure to load KrzyMod before SAR is loaded.

This plugin is known to be compatible with the newest release of Portal 2 on Windows and Linux. Although Portal 2 modifications should also work with it, they are not directly supported (aka. if something breaks in there, i dont care lmao).


These commands and console variables will allow you to control the behaviour of KrzyMod.

Name Description
krzymod_enabled <enabled> Enables or disables KrzyMod based on given value (disabled by default).
krzymod_time_base <time> Sets how frequently effects will be aplied, in seconds (30 by default). It's also used to determine how long effects themselves are.
krzymod_vote_enabled <enabled> Enables or disables Twitch Chat voting (enabled (1) by default). Set it to 2 in order to have votes enabled but voting window hidden.
krzymod_vote_channel <twitch channel name> Sets twitch channel (lowercase) from which KrzyMod should fetch messages.
krzymod_vote_proportional <enabled> Set it to 1 if you want voting to be proportional - effect with X percent of votes will have X percent of chances to be executed (enabled by default).
krzymod_vote_double_numbering <enabled> Set it to 1 to enable double numbering - vote options will use numbers from 4 to 8 on every second voting (disabled by default).
krzymod_primary_font <id> Changes the ID of the primary font used by KrzyMod (92 by default).
krzymod_secondary_font <id> Changes the ID of the secondary font used by KrzyMod (97 by default).

These commands and cvars are for debug purposes:

Name Description
krzymod_list Lists all available effects in KrzyMod.
krzymod_activate <name> Activates KrzyMod with given name.
krzymod_deactivate <name> Deactivates active KrzyMod with given name.
krzymod_vote <number> Manually votes for an effect with given number.
krzymod_debug <enabled> Enables console debugging for KrzyMod.


This plugin is based on SourceAutoRecord.