
Pagination component for ReactJS

Primary LanguageTypeScript

KK React Pagination

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Pagination component for ReactJS

KK React Pagination

Installation / Download


npm install --save kk-react-pagination



import Paginate from 'kk-react-pagination';


<Paginate data=[<div>Element #1</div>] />


option default description
[] name '' (string)
[x] data [] (Array<ReactElement>)
[x] pageSize 5 (number)
[] startPage 1 (number)
[] prevLabel prev (string or component)
[] nextLabel next (string or component)
[] emptyListMsg Nothing to display (string)
[] loader Loading... (string or component)
[] align center (string) left ; center ; right
[] onePageHide false (bool) Hide pagination when is only one page.
[] openPageByElementId 0 (number) Must be unique.
[] displayedPages 5 (number) How many page numbers should be visible while navigating.
[] request Function (Promice) The function that sends a request to the server and returns Promise.
[] component Function (ReactJS Component) This component will be used to render a single line from the list. Data provided by the server will be injected into it as properties.
[] elementListClass '' (string) Additional class on the tag containing the list of elements.
[] customClass '' (string) Additional class on the tag containing the pagination.
[] afterPageChange Function Callback function after page change.