Method Runtime Mean Error StdDev Gen0 Gen1 Gen2 Allocated
StephenPropositionNoSse .NET 8.0 1,578.1 us 8.67 us 8.11 us 156.2500 50.7813 50.7813 725.52 KB
StreamJsonParserNoSse .NET 8.0 1,153.0 us 17.84 us 16.69 us 287.1094 50.7813 50.7813 1417.93 KB
StreamJsonParserSseData .NET 8.0 1,203.0 us 18.99 us 17.76 us 349.6094 48.8281 48.8281 1738.52 KB
AzureJsonParserSseData .NET 8.0 945.5 us 2.98 us 2.79 us 249.0234 49.8047 49.8047 1150.11 KB
StephenPropositionNoSse .NET Framework 4.7 6,451.4 us 124.18 us 116.16 us 148.4375 78.1250 46.8750 730.42 KB
StreamJsonParserNoSse .NET Framework 4.7 4,410.5 us 39.37 us 36.83 us 335.9375 85.9375 46.8750 1685.39 KB
StreamJsonParserSseData .NET Framework 4.7 4,492.0 us 74.93 us 86.29 us 437.5000 54.6875 46.8750 2013.36 KB
AzureJsonParserSseData .NET Framework 4.7 3,727.3 us 58.97 us 49.25 us 296.8750 85.9375 46.8750 1425.97 KB

for 160 KB file

StephenProposition doesn't work with sse data when input contains also other data than json. It's not a problem for StreamJsonParser. StreamJsonParser tolerate garbage input like fiddf { "object": { "name": "hello" } } fdsfgf24rf >> { "object": { "name": "hello" } }

dotnet run -C Release /optimize --framework net8.0

StephenProposition requires also adding new dependecies to SK: