
This blueprint demonstrates how infrastructure environments can be composed and scaled by linking Terraform configs.

Blueprint multi-module application stack example

This blueprint demonstrates how infrastructure environments can be composed and scaled by linking Terraform configs. In this example four Terraform configs are linked to deploy a working Nginix application stack on VSIs within a VPC. After deployment the Nginix website can be accessed via the application URL returned by Schematics.

The following resources are created:

  • Resource Group
  • COS instance and bucket
  • LogDNA
  • VPC
  • VSI
  • Nginx app

Blueprint definition - vsi-app-blueprint.yaml

The blueprint links four Terraform configs as Workspaces.

  • bp-vsi-resource-group
  • bp-vsi-cos-storage
  • bp-vsi-Observability
  • bp-vsi-vpc-app

TF configs are sourced from https://github.com/Cloud-Schematics/blueprint-example-modules

Blueprint file: vsi-app-blueprint.yaml
├── bp-vsi-resource-group
|    └── source: github.com/Cloud-Schematics/blueprint-example-modules/IBM-ResourceGroup
├── bp-vsi-cos-storage
|    └── source: github.com/Cloud-Schematics/blueprint-example-modules/IBM-Storage
├── bp-vsi-Observability
|    └── source: github.com/Cloud-Schematics/blueprint-example-modules/IBM-Observability
└── bp-vsi-vpc-app
     └── source: github.com/Cloud-Schematics/blueprint-example-modules/IBM-VPC-App

The blueprint demonstrates deploying a full application stack composed from 4 modules. The included TF examples should not be considered best practice and are only included to demonstrate the layered approach to deploying applications and data passing. LogDNA and COS instance/buckets are not essential to this example and are only included as representative examples.

Blueprint definition inputs

The vsi-app-blueprint.yaml definition accepts the following inputs:

Name Type Value Description
region string null Resource deployment region
resource_group_name string null Resource group to create
provision_rg string null Create RG - true. Use existing RG - false
cos_instance_name string null Name for COS instance
logdna_name string null Name of LogDNA instance
vsi_name string null Name of VSIs
ssh_public_key string sensitive User SSH public key entered as env-var. The SSH key is not used, but a valid key must be specified to create the VSI

Blueprints Outputs

The vsi-app-blueprint.yaml definition creates the following outputs:

Name Type Value Description
schematics-app-url string URL of sample NGINX application

Input file - vsi-app-input.yaml

The input file defines the variable values for all the required Blueprint definition inputs.

Name Type Value Description
region string us-east Sample var for resource deployment region
resource_group_name string blueprint-vsi-us Name of resource group to create
provision_rg string null Create RG - true. Use existing RG - false
vsi_name string bp-vsi-app-us Name of VSI instance
logdna_name string vsi-app-logdna-us
cos_instance_name string vsi-app-cos-us Name for COS instance
ssh_public_key: string null SSH Key

It is advised that sensitive input values like API keys and SSH keys should not be defined in the input file as this can lead to a security exposure if the file is saved in the public git repo. To pass sensitive values to Schematics, they are passed as dynamic input variables when the Blueprint is created. Shell variable substution can be used to insert environment variables as input to Blueprint commands.

The SSH key can be sourced and saved as the environment variable user_ssh_key using:

export user_ssh_key=`cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub`


  1. Install the Schematics CLI plugin by follow the instructions in the documentation
  2. Configure IAM access permissions for the Schematics Blueprints service.
  3. Configure IAM access permissions for IaaS VPC resources
  4. Set Schematics Target Region The target (manage from) Schematics region for the Blueprint instance is determined by the IBM Cloud CLI target region. The region can be set with the ibmcloud target command.
  5. Export user_ssh_key for VSI creation

The following parameters are used for the blueprint create configuration.

  • Name of the blueprint: Blueprint_vsi_app
  • Schematics management resource group: Default
  • Blueprint URL: https://github.com/Cloud-Schematics/blueprint-vsi-app-example
  • Blueprint file: vsi-app-blueprint.yaml
  • Blueprint Git branch main
  • Input file URL: https://github.com/Cloud-Schematics/blueprint-vsi-app-example
  • Input file: vsi-app-input.yaml
  • Input file Git branch main
  • Inputs:
    • provisiong_rg=false
    • resource_group_name=Default
    • ssh_public_key=$user_ssh_key

Example commands

$ ibmcloud target -r <region>

$ export user_ssh_key=`cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub`

$ ibmcloud schematics blueprint create -name Blueprint_Complex -resource-group Default -bp-git-url https://github.com/Cloud-Schematics/blueprint-vsi-app-example -bp-git-branch main -bp-git-file vsi-app-blueprint.yaml -input-git-url https://github.com/Cloud-Schematics/blueprint-vsi-app-example -input-git-branch main -input-git-file vsi-app-input.yaml -inputs provision_rg=false,resource_group_name=Default,ssh_public_key=$user_ssh_key

$ ibmcloud schematics blueprint install -id blueprint_id

$ ibmcloud schematics blueprint job list -id blueprint_id

$ ibmcloud schematics blueprint get -id blueprint_id -profile output

$ ibmcloud schematics blueprint destroy -id blueprint_id

$ ibmcloud schematics blueprint delete -id blueprint_id


See the Schematics documentation for troubleshooting information.

IBM Cloud resources are deployed by this example. Most observed errors are Terraform Apply errors when running blueprint install due to incorrect IAM permissions to create resources or existing/duplicate resources. Only one 'free/lite' LogDNA instance is allowed per account.

Next Steps

Looking for more samples? Check out the {{site.data.keyword.bplong_notm}} GitHub repository.

Check the example Readme files for further Blueprint customisation and usage scenarios for each sample.

Customise blueprint-vsi-app-example to use alternative resource group

In a shared account the user may not have access permissions to create resources in the Default resource group. The Blueprint can be customised to use an alternative group that the user does have access permissions to. Replace <USER_RESOURCE_GROUP> with the alternative resource group name.

$ ibmcloud schematics blueprint create -name Blueprint_Complex -resource-group <USER_RESOURCE_GROUP> -bp-git-url https://github.com/Cloud-Schematics/blueprint-vsi-app-example -bp-git-branch main -bp-git-file vsi-app-blueprint.yaml -input-git-url https://github.com/Cloud-Schematics/blueprint-vsi-app-example -input-git-branch main -input-git-file vsi-app-input.yaml -inputs provision_rg=false,resource_group_name=<USER_RESOURCE_GROUP>,ssh_public_key=$user_ssh_key

Customise blueprint-vsi-app-example to create a resource group

In Pay-Go or Subscription accounts, or where the user has administrative permissions to create resource groups, the Blueprint can be customised to create a user specified resource group. The user must be an account owner or have been granted Account Management, editor or administrator permissions to create resource groups.

With the required IAM permissions, a user specified resource group can be created by changing the folllowing input parameters on the create command:

  • provision_rg=true
  • resource_group_name=<USER_RESOURCE_GROUP>
$ ibmcloud schematics blueprint create -name Blueprint_Complex -resource-group Default -bp-git-url https://github.com/Cloud-Schematics/blueprint-vsi-app-example -bp-git-branch main -bp-git-file vsi-app-blueprint.yaml -input-git-url https://github.com/Cloud-Schematics/blueprint-vsi-app-example -input-git-branch main -input-git-file vsi-app-input.yaml -inputs provision_rg=true,resource_group_name=<USER_RESOURCE_GROUP>,ssh_public_key=$user_ssh_key

This will create the resource group <USER_RESOURCE_GROUP> and the COS instance will be created in this group.

Refer to the Schematics FAQ documentation for diagnosing and resolving the typical configuration errors with this example and their resolution.