A StackOverflow search app. Requirement: (ref:

  1. Need for searching all available fields(parameter).
  2. Should list the result with pagination.
  3. Page/Data should be cached
  4. Add Search limit per min(5) and per day(100) for each session
  • /user -> Get and post of user data

  • user/int:pk -> update and delete of user data

  • question/ -> Get and post of question

  • question/int:pk -> update and delete of questions

  • answer/ -> get and post of answers

  • answer/int:pk -> update and delete of answers

  • search/advanced -> searching

  • q - a free form text parameter, will match all question properties based on an undocumented algorithm.

  • accepted - true to return only questions with accepted answers, false to return only those without. Omit to elide constraint.

  • answers - the minimum number of answers returned questions must have.

  • body - text which must appear in returned questions' bodies.

  • closed - true to return only closed questions, false to return only open ones. Omit to elide constraint.

  • migrated - true to return only questions migrated away from a site, false to return only those not. Omit to elide constraint.

  • notice - true to return only questions with post notices, false to return only those without. Omit to elide constraint.

  • nottagged - a semicolon delimited list of tags, none of which will be present on returned questions.

  • title - text which must appear in returned questions' titles.

  • user - the id of the user who must own the questions returned.

  • url - a url which must be contained in a post, may include a wildcard.

  • views - the minimum number of views returned questions must have.

  • wiki - true to return only community wiki questions, false to return only non-community wiki ones. Omit to elide constraint.

activity – last_activity_date creation – creation_date votes – score relevance – matches the relevance tab on the site itself activity is the default sort.