Encrypt EBS volumes from AWS EC2 instances
A serverless version of this script exists here: https://github.com/jbrt/ec2cryptomatic-serverless
This tool let you :
- Encrypt all the EBS volumes for an instance
- Duplicate all the source tags to the target
- Apply DeleteOnTermination flag if needs
- Preserve the original volume or not as an option (thank to @cobaltjacket)
- Start each instance after encrypting is complete (thank to @dshah22)
For your information, the workflow used to encrypt a EBS volume is:
- Take a snapshot from the original volume
- Copy and encrypt that snapshot
- Create a new volume from that encrypted snapshot
- Swap the volumes
- Do some cleaning
Before using this tool you have to install the python AWS SDK Boto3 on your EC2 instance. This tools needs Python 3.6 as requirement.
You can use pip for that and the requirement file:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Then, I recommend you to create an dedicated IAM Role with the IAM policy below. This script do not use Access Keys because i prefer avoid them. Remember: Access Key are just a login and a password in the wild...
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Sid": "Stmt1504425390448",
"Action": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Resource": "*"
Here is the syntax of ec2cryptomatic. You have to specify a AWS region name and one or more instance ID.
usage: ec2cryptomatic.py [-h] -r REGION -i INSTANCES [INSTANCES ...] [-k KEY]
[-ds] [-v]
EC2Cryptomatic - Encrypt EBS volumes from EC2 instances
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-r REGION, --region REGION
AWS Region
Instance to encrypt
-k KEY, --key KEY KMS Key ID. For alias, add prefix 'alias/'
-ds, --discard_source
Discard source volume after encryption (default:
-v, --version show program's version number and exit
You can build a Docker image of that tool with the Dockerfile provided in this repository :
docker build -t ec2cryptomatic:latest .
Or you can use the image already pulled into the official Docker Hub:
docker pull jbrt/ec2cryptomatic
Each instance will be encrypted one by one (you may specify one or more instance-id (do not use commas, only spaces) after the -i flag) :
This project is under GPL3 license