Assertation is a free and simple to use validation library, it's built to allow a more expressive syntax while applying data validation and mantaining an assert-oriented approach.
To get started, please use our own package directly with Composer:
composer require kubinyete/assertation
First of all, we can start understanding the objective of this approach by looking at some examples and comparisons,
below are some equivalent validations with and without assertation
$data = ' Spaced text ';
// This validation:
$validated = ($data = trim($data)) && strlen($data) > 2;
if (!$validated) {
throw new UnexpectedValueException('Data is required with at least 2 characters');
// Is equivalent to:
$data = Assert::value($data)->asTrim()->lgt(2)->validate()->get();
// And also equivalent to:
$data = Assert::value($data)->rules('asTrim;lgt,2')->get();
The following examples are a more complex validation, for simple ones it's easier to do natively, but when our validation
rules become more complex, assertation
can easily validate and modify our data in a more expressive way.
$data = Assert::value($data)->rules('null|str;asTrim;asUppercase;asTruncate,100;lgt,1')->get();
// Data can either be null or a string that has a minimum of 1 character and has every character in uppercase
// while limiting the maximum size to 100 characters with a ellipsis cutoff.
$data = Assert::value($data)->rules('null|float|asDecimal')->get();
// Data can either be null, a float or a string with a decimal number (Ex: 123.23).
$data = Assert::value($data)->null()->or()->asUppercase()->asTrim()->in(['HELLO', 'WORLD'])->get();
// Data can either be null or be 'hello' or 'world' with case insensitivity, resulting only in a upper case result.