Foodchecker 🍫

Foodchecker is a web application that uses the openfoodfacts API.

🙋 What does it do?

The application let's you scan the barcode of a product. It uses the barcode scanner API, that currently is only available in google chrome. When it has scanned an barcode it looks through the openfoodfacts API. When it has found a matching product it displays the relevant information for the end user.



Activity Diagram

Activity diagram

🏃🏼 Running the app


The application uses the pug rendering engine for displaying the content and express to setup a server. Besides that it uses the barcode detection API and the OpenFoodfacts API

Tech stack

  • Node.js
  • Express
  • Pug
  • Compression
  • Minify

Service worker

What is a service worker?

Service workers essentially act as proxy servers that sit between web applications, the browser, and the network (when available). They are intended, among other things, to enable the creation of effective offline experiences, intercept network requests and take appropriate action based on whether the network is available, and update assets residing on the server. They will also allow access to push notifications and background sync APIs.

source: mdn


The implementation of the service worker in my application includes the caching of core files in the CORE_CACHE and stores them in core_name which is the name of where it is stored. So when someone opens the website for the first time, all the files it needs to use for the page and the files stored in the CORE_CACHE are being downloaded. So whenever someone revisits the website, the service worker will first check if the files are in CORE_CACHE if they are they don't have to be downloaded from the server and are instead loaded in from the cache stored in the browser. If the file isn't in the cache storage, then it downloads the file from the server and if it is an html file, it will store it in the html_cache, otherwise it doesn't store it and it has to be redownloaded whenever the site is revisted e.g. images.

🚧 Installation

1. Clone the repository

The repository can be cloned by running git clone in the command line.

git clone

2. Install the packages

Install the dependencies with npm.

npm install

Running and viewing the application

Start the server with npm run ndmStart, you can view it by going to localhost:5555 or a different specified port in your .env file

1. npm run ndmStart
2. open your browser of choice and go to localhost:5555

When viewing the site, make sure the viewport is set to a mobile device otherwise there might be issues with the CSS

🎖 Performance

Lighthouse performance

Activity diagram

Activity diagram

🦧 Author

Application made by Remco Kuckelkorn for the course Progressive Web Apps