
Build fails with react-native run-android

kmkrtich opened this issue · 2 comments

After installation of react-native-v8 it is stopped building the project.

I'm getting build errors with react-native run-android command on reanimated package.

Task :react-native-reanimated:compileDebugJavaWithJavac FAILED
aapt2 W 01-19 18:30:36 1210291 1210291 LoadedArsc.cpp:682] Unknown chunk type '200'.

But if I run my app by Android Studio it runs perfectly.
What could be wrong ?

react-native: 0.67.5
react-native-reanimated: 2.13.0
react-native-v8: 1.6.0
v8-android-nointl: 10.100.1

Same issue

Kudo commented

Hey there! I hope you're doing well. Would you mind providing a minimal reproducible example that could help us better understand the issue you're experiencing? Thank you so much!