- 2
- 5
- 1
notificationEmitter.addListener is not a function error
#206 opened by to-dy - 0
- 2
Build fails on Android with Reanimated 3.14.0
#208 opened by leodev9 - 0
Getting Asset validation failed error when uploading app to iOS app store
#209 opened by Supra-HarshitPadalia - 1
React Native V8 not working with React Navigation Drawer (Android)
#207 opened by Sushant-Sardeshpande - 1
Feature request: Add jsi:ArrayBuffer support
#198 opened by n9lsjr - 3
App crashing on startup
#196 opened by sauravgk - 1
Unable to build dev client (Expo SDK 51)
#201 opened by bearkillerPT - 14
Slowness on the UI after using react-native-v8
#169 opened by kelvinsantos - 0
Android crash on startup - assertion "hostObjectProxy" failed' [React-Native v0.73.5 | New Architecture]
#197 opened by axxag - 23
- 2
- 1
Non-virtual member function marked 'override' hides virtual member functions
#181 opened by Satishpethani92 - 4
[0.72] Build error in android
#175 opened by NiuGuohui - 1
[expo] Cause: Unable to find a specification for `v8-ios` depended upon by `RNV8`
#180 opened by matt-42 - 2
[0.71][Android] Native method performance are slow
#179 opened by jhen0409 - 0
- 2
Promise has some unusual behavior.
#117 opened by NiuGuohui - 2
Incorrect version number in 10.100.1
#158 opened by matias-la - 1
- 2
Build fails with react-native run-android
#161 opened by kmkrtich - 1
- 1
Any plans for snapshot and code caching?
#163 opened by arasrezaei - 2
Expo sdk 48 error
#168 opened by arasrezaei - 2
bug: compilation fails with RN 0.71
#156 opened by Rexogamer - 3
Super slow boost download
#160 opened by reinismu - 7
- 1
- 2
Build-in polyfills or transformed features out of box
#127 opened by retyui - 1
- 6
#149 opened by gmaclennan - 7
- 11
- 1
Gradle sync failed: Please disable Hermes because Hermes will transform the JavaScript bundle as bytecode bundle.
#147 opened by euclidesdry - 1
- 1 and the 2 files found with path 'lib/arm64-v8a/' issue
#136 opened by zyc - 1
Invalid character escape '\p'.
#140 opened by romanmiftakhur - 5
Build error
#123 opened by vbylen - 8
RN 0.69.5 + Reanimated 2.10 on Android
#135 opened by terfender - 1
- 0
- 1
Invalid character escape '\R'.
#131 opened by vijaydvk - 2
Invalid character escape '\C'.
#130 opened by aleluiah - 1
Support fabric and move from brigde to jsi
#129 opened by aleluiah - 1
Build fails on react-native 0.69
#125 opened by ammarahm-ed - 7
Couldn't find DSO to load:
#120 opened by RodolfoGS - 1
Syntax error in cmake code when parsing string
#119 opened by devoren - 1