Books I have Read - sorted from most recent to oldest

  • what can I say, old school, I like books

Books in 2016:

  • Ember.js Cookbook by Erik Hanchett
  • JQuery UI Cookbook by Adam Boduch
  • CoffeeScript Programming with JQuery, Rails, and Node.js by Michael Erasmus
  • CoffeeScript Application Development Cookbook by Mike Hatfield
  • The Little Book on CoffeeScript by Alex MacCaw
  • The Well Grounded Rubyist by David A. Black
  • The RSpec Book by David Chelimsky, Dave Astels, Zach, Aslak, Bryan, Dan
  • Agile Web Development with Rails 4 by Sam Ruby, Dave Thomas, DHH
  • Restful Rails Development by Silvia Puglisi
  • Learn Game Programming with Ruby by Mark Sobkowicz
  • Rails 4 In Action by Ryan Bigg - build Ticket application
  • Learn Ruby on Rails by John Elder - build Pinterest application

Books in 2015:

  • Multitenancy with Rails by Ryan Bigg - build a SaaS
  • Programming Ruby by Dave Thomas
  • Ruby Cookbook by Lucas Carlson
  • Design Patters in Ruby by Russ Olsen, favorite methods: template, observer, proxy, factory, DSL
  • Rails Recipes by Chad Fowler
  • Rails 4 Prescriptions by Noel Rappin
  • The Rails 4 Way by Obie Fernandez, Kevin Faustino
  • Michael Hartl Rails Tutorial ScreenCasts/book - build Twitter application
  • Rails Crash Course by Anthone Lewis - build Tumblr application
  • Ruby Pocket Reference by Michael Fitzgerald
  • Learn Ruby on Rails by Daniel Kehoe on kindle

Books in 2014:

  • Rapid Development by Steve McConnell
  • Android CookBook by Ian F. Darwin
  • The Core IOS Developer's Cookbook by Erica Sadun, Rich Wardwell
  • Clean Code by Robert C. Martin
  • Code Complete by Steve McConnell
  • Essential Scrum by Mike Cohn and Ron Jeffries
  • Java Programming Cookbook by Herb Schildt's
  • Spring In Practice by Willie Wheeler and Joshua White
  • Java - A Beginner's Guide by Herbert Schildt
  • Beginning Java EE7 by Antonio Goncalves

Books in 2013:

  • Murach's MySQL by Joel Murach
  • Linux Bible by Christoper Negus
  • Apache Cookbook by Ken Coar & Rich Bowen
  • The Linux Command Line by William E. Shotts, Jr.