
A second breath of life for Xreal, based on Zack Middleton's ioq3ztm engine

Ioid3-qw is currently based on ioq3ztm and also contains code from Spearmint (the successor of ioq3ztm), and code from other repositories owned by Zack Middleton.


Ioid3-qw is licensed under a modified version of the GNU GPLv3 (or at your option, any later version). The license is also used by Return to Castle Wolfenstein, Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory, and Doom 3.

Main features:

  • K&R (aka 1TBS/OTBS) formatted code.
  • Bloom rendering effect.
  • Enhanced BotAI.
  • Rotating gibs.
  • Slightly faster maths.
  • Improved UI (in-game server setup, unique bots per gametype,...).
  • New development cvars:
    • cl_drawping (0/1) - Draw detailed ping.
    • cl_drawfps (0/1) - Draw detailed fps.
    • cl_drawsnaps (0/1) - Draw detailed snaps.
    • cl_drawpackets (0/1) - Draw detailed packets.
    • cg_drawDebug (0/1) - Disable/enable drawing some elements that are only useful while debugging bots (e.g.: team task sprites).
    • bot_report (0/1/2) - Prints what the bot is doing and shows the node the bot is in (2). 0 = off, 1 = console report, 2 = report if a bot is being followed (as in Mint-Arena).
    • bot_shownodechanges (0/1) - Shows the node the bots are in. 0 = off, 1 = console report.
    • bot_teambluestrategy (0/1/2/3/4) - The strategy the blue team will choose in team gametypes (WIP).
    • bot_teamredstrategy (0/1/2/3/4) - The strategy the red team will choose in team gametypes (WIP).
    • bot_noshoot (0/1) - Bots will act as usual, but they suppress fire. They react and aim unaffected but they won't hit the trigger (added for various development benefits).
    • bot_equalize (0/1) - (unknown/obsolet?)

Main features from Spearmint:

  • Aspect correct widescreen.
  • High resolution font support (TrueType).
  • Enhanced model loading (incl. submodels).
  • Dynamic (damage) skin support.
  • Bullet marks on doors and moving platforms.
  • Gibs and bullet shells ride on moving platforms.
  • New shader keywords and game objects.
  • Foliage support.
  • Better external lightmap support.
  • Atmospheric effects, like rain and snow.
  • Dynamic lights have smoother edges.
  • Improved Bot AI.


  • Ragdoll physics.
  • Realtime lightning/shadowing.
  • 64 weapon support.
  • A new cooperative gamemode.
  • Even more improved Bot AI.
  • Advanced bot order menu.

Current differences to Spearmint:

  • Splitscreen support is still missing due to some rendering issues.
  • Spearmint's gamepad/joystick support is missing.
  • Lot of bot AI code is still compiled into the engine, like it was by default.
  • The default code sctructure is kept alive, engine and game modules aren't seperated, so Ioid3-qw is less modding friendly.


  • Zack Middleton
  • Robert Beckebans
  • And other contributors

Ioid3-qw is based on ioq3ztm and also contains code from:

  • Spearmint - Zack Middleton
  • RTCW SP - Gray Matter Interactive
  • RTCW MP - Nerve Software
  • Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory - Splash Damage
  • Tremulous - Dark Legion Development
  • World of Padman - Padworld Entertainment
  • ioquake3 Elite Force MP patch - Thilo Schulz
  • NetRadiant's q3map2 - Rudolf Polzer
  • OpenArena - OpenArena contributors
  • OpenMoHAA - OpenMoHAA contributors
  • Xreal (triangle mesh collision) - Robert Beckebans